Selected Publications

Odeh M, Tamir-Livne Y, Haas T, Bengal E (2019) P38α MAPK coordinates the activities of several metabolic pathways that together induce atrophy of denervated muscles. FEBS J. Sep 23.

Tamir-Livne Y, Mubariki R, Bengal E. (2017) Adhesion molecule Kirrel3/Neph2 is required for the elongated shape of myocytes during skeletal muscle differentiation. Int J Dev Biol 61(3-4-5):337-345

Bengal E*, Perdiguero E, Serrano AL, Muñoz-Cánoves P* (2017) Rejuvenating stem cells to restore muscle regeneration in agingF1000Res.  6:76. (Review)

Bengal E. (2017) TAZ is involved in transcriptional complexes regulating smooth muscle cell differentiationFEBS J. 284(11):1628-1630 (Commentary)

Katz Imberman S, Kolpakova A, Keren A, Bengal E. (2015) Myocyte enhancer factor 2D regulates ectoderm specification and adhesion properties of animal cap cells in the early Xenopus embryo. FEBS J 282(15):2930-2947

Kolpakova A*, Katz S*, Keren A, Rojtblat A, Bengal E. (2013) Transcriptional Regulation of Mesoderm Genes by MEF2D during Early Xenopus Development. PLoS ONE. 19;8(7): e69693.

Alter J, Bengal E. (2011) Stress-Induced C/EBP Homology Protein (CHOP) Represses MyoD Transcription to Delay Myoblast Differentiation. PLoS ONE. 6(12):e29498

Keren A, Bengal E. (2010) Studying MAP Kinase pathways during early development of Xenopus laevis. Methods Mol Biol. 661:409-420.

Keren-Politansky, A., Keren, A., and Bengal, E. (2009) Neural ectoderm-secreted FGF initiates the expression of Nkx2.5 in cardiac progenitors via a p38 MAPK/CREB pathway.Dev Biol. 335(2):374-384

Keren, A., Keren-Politansky, A., and Bengal, E. (2008) A p38 MAPK-CREB pathway functions to pattern mesoderm in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 322(1):86-94.

Alter, J., Rozentzweig, D., and Bengal, E. (2008) Inhibition of myoblast differentiation by tumor necrosis factor alpha is mediated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 and leukemia inhibitory factor. Biol. Chem. 283(34):23224-23234

Yafe, A., Shklover, J., Weisman-Shomer, P., Bengal, E., and Fry, M. (2008) Differential binding of quadruplex structures of muscle-specific genes regulatory sequences by MyoD, MRF4 and myogenin. Nucl. Acids Res. 36(12):3916-3925

Shklover, J., Etzioni, S., Weisman-Shomer, P., Yafe, A., Bengal, E., and Fry, M. (2007) MyoD uses overlapping but distinct elements to bind E box and tetraplex structures of regulatory sequences of muscle-specific genes. Acid Res. 35: 7087-7095.

Keren, A., Tamir , Y., and Bengal, E. (2006) The p38 MAPK signaling pathway: A major regulator of skeletal muscle development. Cell. Endocrinol. 252(1-2):224-30.

Keren, A., Bengal, E.*, and Frank, D.* (2005) p38 MAP Kinase Regulates the Expression of XMyf5 and Affects Distinct Myogenic Programs during Xenopus Development. Biol. 288: 73-86.

Reuveny, M., Heller, H., and Bengal, E. (2004) RhoA controls myoblast survival by inducing the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathway. FEBS Letters. 569(1-3):129-134.

Ostrovsky, O., and Bengal, E. (2003). The Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade promotes myoblast cell survival by stabilizing the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21WAF1 J. Biol Chem. 278(23):21221-21231.

Ostrovsky O., Bengal, E.*, and Aronheim, A.* (2002) Induction of Terminal Differentiation by the c-Jun Dimerization Protein JDP2 in C2 Myoblasts and Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells. Biol Chem. 277(42):40043-40054.

Zetser, A., Frank, D.*, and Bengal, E.* (2001) MAP kinase converts MyoD into an instructive muscle differentiation factor in Xenopus   Dev. Biol. 240(1): 168-181.

Heller, H., Gredinger, E and Bengal, E. (2001) Rac1 inhibits myogenic differentiation by preventing the complete withdrawal of myoblasts from the cell cycle. J Biol Chem. 276(40):37307-37316.

Tamir, Y., and Bengal E. (2000) Phosphoinositide 3-kinase induces the transcriptional activity of MEF2 proteins during muscle differentiation. Biol. Chem. 275, 34424-34432.

Polesskaya, A., Duquet, A., Naguibneva, I., Weise, C., Vervish, A., Bengal, E., Robin, P., and Harel Bellan, A. (2000) MyoD activity increased by acetylation through stabilization of protein/protein interactions. Biol. Chem. 275, 34359-34364.

Zetser, A., Gredinger, E., and Bengal, E. (1999) p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase promotes skeletal muscle differentiation: participation of the MEF2C transcription factor. Biol. Chem. 274: 5193-5200.

Ciechanover, A., Breitschopf, K., Abu Hatoum, O., and Bengal E. (1999) Degradation of MyoD by the ubiquitin pathway: regulation by specific DNA-binding and identification of a novel site for ubiquitination. Biol. Reports. 26: 59-64.

Tamir, Y., and Bengal, E.(1998) p53 protein is activated during muscle differentiation and participates with MyoD in the transcription of muscle creatine kinase gene. Oncogene 17, 347-356.

Gredinger, E., Gerber, A.N., Tamir, Y., Tapscott S.J. and Bengal E. (1998) Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is involved in the differentiation of muscle cells. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 10436-10444.

Heller, H., and Bengal, E. (1998) TFIID (TBP) stabilizes the binding of MyoD to its DNA site at the promoter and MyoD facilitates the association of TFIIB with the preinitiation complex. Acids Res. 26, 2112-2119.

Abu-Hatoum, O., Gross-Mesilati, S., Breitschopf, K., Hoffman, A., Gonen, H., Ciechanover, A., and  Bengal, E. (1998) Degradation of the myogenic transcription factor MyoD by the ubiquitin pathway in vivo and in vitro: Regulation by specific DNA binding. Mol. Cell. Biol. 18, 5670-5677